How organizations like Junior Achievement shape our communities

I am very pleased and honored to be joining the board of directors of Junior Achievement of Mid-Michigan. This last school year, I started my involvement with JA in classrooms. I want to share a bit about those experiences as well as why organizations like JA are so critical to ...
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Easing the transition from spreadsheet to database

Most small businesses use an Excel spreadsheet at some point in order to handle the information they find most useful for their particular business. It may be as simple as a list of part numbers and prices or a list of contacts with names, phone numbers and addresses. It could ...
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What does it take to create a data strategy?

What does it take to create a data strategy? Here are some tips from SDS principal consultant Aaron Fuller: First, you have to have a business strategy. Without knowing the mission, vision, values and goals of your business, you cannot build a good data strategy. Your data strategy should be ...
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Who does SDS work with?

We've been asked what kinds of customers we work with at SDS. We work with insurance companies -- that's a lot of our business background. Given mid-Michigan's strong insurance sector, we intend to always have that a part of our business. We also work with smaller private and nonprofit organizations as ...
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Questions from the Classroom: What is data evangelism?

As a teacher, Aaron gets asked all kinds of things in class. We’re exploring one of the top questions today. What is data evangelism? Data evangelism has to do with two things: Inspiring a recognition of and understanding how important data is to an organization. Building excitement about what’s possible, ...
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Questions from the Classroom: How can I get comfortable being a data evangelist?

As a teacher, Aaron gets asked all kinds of things in class. We’re exploring one of the top questions today. How can I become comfortable being a data evangelist? Unearthing bad news and the reality of things, and then convincing people to take positive action on it is one of ...
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Beyond the data and into teaching

Did you know that SDS Principal Aaron Fuller is also an experienced teacher in the data management industry? “One thing that excites me is the ability to bring more people in the field I care about. I find a great deal of satisfaction in helping others learn about this gratifying ...
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A day with SDS

A day in the life with SDS Principal Aaron Fuller is never quite the same! “Sometimes I’m meeting with leaders and data architects to brainstorm information issues. Sometimes I’m troubleshooting a critical problem a business needs to come to terms with. Other times I’m working side by side with clients ...
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Questions from the Classroom: Getting engaged in data management

As a teacher, SDS Principal Consultant Aaron Fuller gets asked all kinds of things in class. We’re looking forward to exploring the top questions as a series in the SDS blog. How do you get business people engaged in managing data? Recognition of information and data management as a business ...
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Just what is it we do at SDS?

We've been asked various times what exactly it is that we do at SDS. It’s simple, really. We support business decision makers with great information and help them treat that information like any other critical asset. In business, there are financial assets, physical assets and human assets - then there ...
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Interning with SDS: Perspective from Chalon Evert

I’m Chalon Evert, currently a student at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. My studies include a major in accounting and a minor in philosophy and law. I recently developed a particular interest in information technology, spurred by a course on accounting information systems, which covered topics such as ...
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Questions from the Classroom: Roles and responsibilities

As a teacher, SDS Principal Consultant Aaron Fuller gets asked all kinds of things in class. We’re looking forward to exploring the top questions as a series in the SDS blog. When talking roles and responsibilities on teams - what’s okay and what’s not? There isn’t one right answer, because ...
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The Big Data Honeymoon Is Over

I've been very pleased with the great response I've gotten to my recent BI This Week article, "The Big Data Honeymoon Is Over." Since I wrote it, I've continued to see and hear about more examples of what I discussed in the article. Our old struggles for good governance, architecture, ...
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Choosing Michigan and choosing to be a part of the solution

Lansing, Michigan has been my home for my entire life. It’s also where I’ve chosen to launch and grow my business. I’m deeply passionate about encouraging entrepreneurs to stay, work and thrive in their local communities -- right here in Michigan. Part of my insistence is because I refuse to ...
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